“life's about taking chances”
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Saturday, March 8, 2014 || 9:54 PM
so many things happened in the past few months. i stopped working, a dream comes true, entered imu and started my uni life.
surprisingly, i don't miss clinic as much as i expected it to be. i guess i know the reason why. working there is one of the right choices i'd made in my 20 years of living. things will never be the same if it weren't for the people, doctors, experiences, stress and him.
anyway, it is already my third week in imu. at first i thought that two weeks of orientation is crazy, but i miss it terribly right now. i was in group 10, called inTENsity, and people, i have a bunch of awesome mates. we see each other everyday from morning until night, we played games together, we went on track trip to kl, we practiced for our dance and viva memorial, we freaked out together on stage, we supported each other, so much things that had been done together. how i wish they're not from medic. i selfishly wanna keep them as my classmates so that lectures wouldn't be so boring. eventhough i knew the spy thing, i almost cried because of kacheng and sebastian because they are the least expected 'spy'. hell, when kacheng went up on stage i really couldn't believe my eyes. i comforted zhi meng like nothing ever happened but deep down i really feel like tearing. the last performance was the best performance, again, in my 20 years.
still trying to adapt to imu. it's like a completely different world. i would be lying if i say i don't feel stress. literally screaming on the inside. hoping for a better tomorrow everyday :)
Pre-Christmas Celebration
Monday, December 23, 2013 || 12:07 AM
Lately i had been eating bak kut teh for dinner with yen and elyna too frequent. It seemed to be bkt session after work every wednesday (Y) and since we were running out of time to hunt for our christmas presents, we went straight to bukit tinggi jusco after bkt last wednesday. The three of us went separate ways as we wanted to give each other a surprise. We agreed to meet up after an hour. It was really a tough one because we need to think of the doctors' sake too. Oh, i forgot to mention about what was going on. Basically, there was this sunday evening where we had steamboat with dr liew, ng, cheow and yong in klang and dr cheow said we should organize a christmas party and tada, the plan was on.
Christmas celebration + karaoke + gift exchange. We booked a room at neway last friday. Early that morning, dr liew brought a big box into the room and yen and i were guessing it must be a soft toy. haha. Everyone was so secretive on the gifts. Rushed to the venue right after work. Dr ng joined us last minute while dr teh couldn't make it. The doctors can sing so well, like seriously, i was stunned by dr liew's voice because it was so much different from her usual voice. And of course, my ji muis can sing very well too ;)
In the end, i got elyna's thermo flask and yen got mine. ahahahahaha! I personally don't think it suits her but i hope she likes it XD nana got dr liew's duckling soft toy (see we guessed it right hehe), dr liew got dr cheow's teddy bear and dr cheow got yen's brands drinks.
The party ended around 11.30pm. Was freaking tired when i reached home so i hit the sack immediately because first appointment was 9am the next day. My eyes were so puffy when i woke up /.\
Day by day i kept reminding myself that i'm leaving this place soon. Very soon. From 4 months to 2 months, and now without realizing it, i have only one month left. I don't know how am i suppose to face it when the day arrives. I had been working for nearly one year, and to me, it's a really long period. Thinking of the bond we had, i'm gonna miss this place loads. This clinic is no longer a stranger nor an ordinary clinic but it's like my second home now. Everyday i eat shit sleep talk about this clinic. It's really hard to leave and somehow getting out of hand. I even have this silly thought of working there at night after class but i know i cannot afford to do so. But i will try. At least, maybe, perhaps, i could enter once a week on the weekdays, then i'm happy enough already :'(
May my prayers be heard.
Monday, November 11, 2013 || 1:32 AM
just realized i haven't been blogging for two months. in fact, i haven't been blogging much this year. perhaps because life only revolves around clinic clinic clinic and everything was about work. many might not know that i had switched from front desk to dental assistant now. and this is when i really learn things and more practical stuff.
frankly, i can't be more thankful to be blessed with yen, elyna, epy and siti by my side. i mean these are the people i consider as friends instead of just colleagues. everytime i have things to share, i go up to them. so if ever my secrets leaked out, i know who to find. haha.
daily post: had steamboat for dinner with yen, elyna, kai jing, wing and wing's brother tonight. had a really good laugh. i don't know why but everything they say just came out funny. like i said, fun people. thanks for making my day guys! (:
MTV Worldstage 2013
Tuesday, September 10, 2013 || 3:24 PM
yes i went because my boys were there!
i could tell that most of the people there were exo's fans (no, not me, i was there for robin thicke ahahahaha). there were so many fresh and young fangirls, somehow it made me feel old. but then again, 10 out of 12 of exo are older than me. i have a reason to stan them! lol
exo performed wolf intro, wolf, history, 365 and growl. a bit too little to satisfy me. one thing, exo's fans have a thing in screaming and fanchants. all of them looked good, especially in the rain. yixing with wet hairs /drools/. luhan spoke in chinese, kris in english, yixing.. ermm i don't remember what he said. kris talked a lot that night, and he interacted with fans too much, with all the flying kisses and so many exposure in front of the camera. yixing was like the usual yixing, came back onto the stage and waved and bowed many times before he leaves the stage once again.
far east movement totally rocked the stage! they had more than an hour of own concert. robin thicke's blurred lines was daebak. the guy dancing in front of us was even more daebak haha
one more month till the next concert i can't wait~!
Elyna's birthday party
Sunday, September 8, 2013 || 12:01 AM
Yen and i was invited to elyna's birthday party yesterday and we had a sleepover at a hotel in kl. It was basically an alcoholic night. They bought four bottles of whisky 0.0
The real party started at around 11pm. We started drinking while playing cards. Being a first timer, i had a little bit of advantage because they were afraid of my 180 heartbeat lol. So i was given more of the mixer, unlike yen drinking pure whisky. Seriously, the pure one tastes really bad. I had a hard time swallowing it. My throat started burning and my face turned red and warm. So red like a tomato. But i wasn't drunk. It only hit me during the last few rounds of games with wing when we lost a lot. That was the time i started feeling a bit dizzy but i could still walk in a straight line haha. Elyna was already hugging the toilet bowl. Wing and kai jing took turn to take care of her lol. We slept at 5am. Checked out at 12.
It's good i didn't have a bad hangover this morning. The only thing i'm feeling is hungry and thirsty, even until now, i still feel hungry and no appetite. But one thing, i really appreciate elyna for inviting us to the party because i wouldn't have had this great experience and met so many interesting people.
So, i guess now i can try out on red wine. No more anti-alcohol *grins*
Thursday, September 5, 2013 || 2:41 PM
I'm currently on a one month break from work hell yeah! and i foresee there's gonna be so many happenings this month :)
So let's gear up & PLAY!
Tokyo, Japan ♥
Sunday, August 25, 2013 || 2:59 AM
Freaking excited as i've been waiting for this day for so long but yet it came to an end before i even realized. Had lots of fun though, with my shopping and sleeping partner miss ong *grins*
Japan is no doubt famous for its technology. There was this funny incident where i was frightened when the toilet bowl cover lifted up once i stepped into the toilet. I am also really amazed by the people in japan. They are so well-mannered that you could hear arigato gozaimasu every time. Another thing i really looked up to is the way they follow rules strictly, for instance queuing at subways or restaurant (even with the long waiting time, they don't make noise). It makes me wonder what kind of environment they were brought up. It is pretty clean everywhere you go, i could see people cleaning the road every now and then. I also love the food, culture and SHOPPING. Japan is like the heaven of shopping aaahhhhhh i still can't get over it, except they are not cheap. I bought the most in uniqlo because they are selling them wayyy cheaper than in msia. TWELVE floors. Can you imagine we almost spent half a day in there ;A; Their subway lines are super efficient, PUNCTUAL, ON TIME, FAST. These are why Japan is ahead of so many countries.

Takeshita Street, Harajuku
From Shinjuku to Daimon - POKEMON CENTER
and this is what i bought for me and my bros!
ordering through vending machine
From Shinjuku to Maihama - TOKYO DISNEYLAND, where we return to our kindyland!
love how all the shops have their own designs and concepts, like this restaurant above, they have those cartoon robots making pizzas
the papa incredible
and the parades when night falls
breakfast at Tsukiji Fish Market
they served FRESH sushis. SUPER TASTY!
took an hour trip to Gotemba Premium Outlet.
me and ky's favourite vending machine hehe
12 freaking floors of uniqlo
Shibuya crossing road
Hachiko statue
last day at Asakusa
And here are some of the food we had during the trip
their curry tastes really different but nice too! not spicy at all.
A 7 days 5 nights sweet escape in Japan is really an eye-opener to me. I'll never forget this memorable time i spent with this girl & every places i went in tokyo. I just had this sudden urge to migrate over. haha. Definitely gonna visit japan again!