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Friday, June 28, 2013 || 1:08 AM
back from aia kpop concert a while ago and i'm here to blog while the memories are still fresh because i might wake up in the morning and realize it's all just a dream haha
for the first time i saw beast at such a CLOSE distance. seriously we were freaking near the stage. bought tickets for the second row from the front. kay, i shall start from the beginning (still overwhelmed by the excitement)
as expected, g.na was the first performer. but the least expected thing was, she sang i'll back off so you can live better too. that was my all-time favourite and i haven't been listening to it for so long. i get to see junhyung before beast even performed teehee /fangirl mode turned on right away/
4minute was up next. the girls are so pretty and gorgeous. managed to take so many nice photos of them because they stood at the front stage half of the time unlike my bbys T________T but gayoon unni why didn't you come to my side >3< awesome stages such as hot issue, music, volume up and the last song- heart 2 heart ~ ♥
the best thing is we were already so close to the stage and yet we still stand on the chair. when beast came out, everyone went wild. jumped, screamed, moved to the front and stood on the chair like a boss. even the security guards couldn't control us :P we were almost the same height as them bahahahahaha. my camera is always jealous of my idols. all the time at whatever concerts. it blurred away when junhyung was standing right in front of us. sobs. nevermind bby, let my eyes be the witness. seeing you in real person up close is more than enough /nods nods/ when they were introducing the next song, junhyung started laughing so hard he said that it is an embarrassing song. doojoon said it was composed by him. oppa why would you consider rainy days as an embarrassing song? do you know how much i appreciate all the songs you composed. junhyung cried in the middle of will you be alright. because the song was for hara? ;~; this guy over there is the love of my life :') YES I'M NEVER GONNA BE TIRED OF SEEING HIM TALKING ABOUT HIM LOVING HIM
yoseob looks a bit how would i say it, moody today? or is it just me? hmmm. but he kept reminding us to take care of ourselves because of the haze. he claimed that their voice wasn't in good condition due to the haze too.
"We exist because you all exist" - yoseob
i was too concentrate on the stage i didn't realize yoseob went down of the stage and got near to the fans in front of us until jia yee told me and my first reaction was- jumped down from the chair and rushed to the front. caught a glimpse of him ^^ i shocked even myself sometimes
son nam shin looks so damn good with his hair combed to the side. and let me be perasan for once, while he was looking at the crowds, our eyes met!! i can't be wrong rightttt lol
during the encore, beast sang VIU, that song that always hyped us up in every concert. all six of them gathered at the middle of the stage with doojoon standing at the center. the rest of them had bottles of water on their hands. doojoon let them poured the water down his body. HE WAS ALL WET /SQUEALS/ he must have done something to get such a punishment hahaha. after that, they ran around splashing water to each other. boy i love watching water fights ^0^
beast performed it's a beautiful night, fiction, shock, special, bad girl, beautiful, freeze, rainy days, will you be alright and VIU tonight. i was expecting i'm sorry though. but nahhhhhhh ten songs is A LOT already. that was one hell of a satisfaction.
beast is the only group who can turn me into
a beast the craziest side of me! i'm really grateful that they came into my life :')
tonight marks the last concert for the first half of the year. beast, be sure to come back to malaysia with your own concert. gidariooooo~