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Saturday, November 26, 2011 || 12:00 PM
2PM Hands Up Asia Tour in Malaysia is one of the best concert i've ever been!
Thanks to Sook Sian and Karyn who saved the seats in the front row for us. We could see the stage clear enough.
Sharp at 8.30pm, the concert started. First came our local singer, Henley, who brought us his new mandarin song. He then passed by in front of us and well, he looks better in real person, really good looking and muscular.
After that, a silent darkness fell, hottest screamed for 2PM. Light from the lightsticks filled the stadium with a dim brightness. The main stars appeared on stage. Gosh, finally i get to see them in real person. Drop dead gorgeous. I couldn't remember much about the song lists and its sequence though, was busy recording, screaming and taking pictures. They sang hands up, only you, i'll be back, without you, tired of waiting, heartbeat, don't stop can't stop, i'm your man, 10 points out of 10 points, electricity and some ballad songs. Junho and Wooyoung performed By Your Side, Chansung with some sort of sword play action, Jun.K's Alive, it did sound different from what i listened the first time, i started liking it after watching it live. And the best duet of all, most anticipating pair, Taecyeon and Nichkhun's My Valentine. Awww, it sounds so lovely and romantic!
Hottest were all envious watching the female dancers swirling and having skinship with the members. It was all of a heart going boom boom BOOM, eyes getting wider and screaming our lungs out with 'hell no, don't touch my boys'. Cannot deny the fact that the dance were smexy.
We also watched a clip filmed by the members which causes much laughter as they were really cute. Wooyoung spelled hellow instead of hello. Junho *sexy* hahahahaha~
The last song was Thank You. I feel like tearing up listening to the song. Perhaps because i was touched by such a successful concert. Beast had never made me feel this way. Weird. They then ended with an encore stage, remix of a few songs.
And the BEST moment of the day happened. During the song Hands Up, taecyeon walked over to the right side of the stage, which is where we were sitting. I had the feeling that he might jump up all of a sudden and HE REALLY DID! There was a huge distance or barrier from the stage to where the fans were sitting but he BOUNCED UP, despite the guard standing there trying to protect him. He walked up and gosh, he was standing so near to us! All of us leaned forward, hoping to have a handshake with him, but he didn't walk over. I see a bunch of fans from the VIP row dashing to his side. If it wasn't for the security and fans, taecyeon would have come to us! I seriously have the urge to jump down from my seat but it was too high, i was unsure whether i would injured myself, so i just keep staring at his face. He looks perfectly awesome, SO GOOD LOOKING! He stayed there for quite a long time before the guard lead him back onto the stage. Precious moment. I wish i could record what my eyes see!
Well, others were throwing flowers and their used towels to the fans. Junho also came a lot to our side, but no one did what Taecyeon just did. OKCAT JANGGG! So they bowed to the fans before leaving the stage. Chansung, walking with his back facing us, took off his shirt and revealed his top. There goes the scream again!
To be honest, I'm actually satisfied with this concert because they managed the stage all by themselves! I'm impressed! No need of a translator because there's Taecyeon and Nichkhun. Especially Taecyeon, he really looks like the emcee, he probably talked the most and BRILLIANT English. It was good because they can interact with the fans without any language barrier, this is a quality of a world wide artist, although some can speak a few lines only, but there were translated lines on the screen.
All six members did a great job last night! They promised to have another concert here in Malaysia next year. Junho said 'saya akan balik lagi', i believe you! You are still the best in my heart. I saw some of them doing lots of hip thrust. And some couple moment, Junho hugged Wooyoung from the side, Taecyeon and Chansung hugging each other after the female dancers left, Junsu wiped away Chansung's sweat, Junsu hugged Nichkhun and turned him around like a kid. A bunch of mature but cute guys!
I'm so glad that they performed I'm Your Man because i've always wanted to watch it live. And it was awesome because they brought us so many songs. Hotness overload. I'm especially excited to see Junho! Everything's daebak, just DAEBAK! 10점 만점에 10점
So i thank you, and i love you Junho, Taecyeon, Nichkhun, Junsu, Chansung, Wooyoung, 2PM! You guys are perfect! Taecyeon really make it a memorable night for us! I really enjoyed myself to the max, even Jia Yee said i went crazy but she is already used to it and karyn already saw this side of me during MTV worldstage. Only sook sian thinks i'm abnormal, wasn't the usual me.
Friends slept over at my house after the concert. Watched fancams, chit chat and gossiped through the long night. Slept at 3am and woke up at 9.30am for breakfast. Felt hungry because i skipped dinner last night. Oh well, spent a great time with friends after the stressful exam and watching concert is heart-filling. Please keep your promise 2PM n_____________________n
Words of frustation
Wednesday, November 16, 2011 || 8:44 PM
I had been trying hard to suppress my emotions and feelings these days but things are really getting on my nerves. ' I thought you all have brains '. This is so OFFENSIVE! So what are we supposed to do when we actually couldn't give the correct answer with the right attempt? We tried not to answer when we are not sure with it, then we get scolded for not answering and she assumes we do not know, never revise, NEVER DO OUR PART! And when we give the wrong answer, again she scolds us for not revising and not knowing what we learnt. Man, aren't scholars human? We are just normal human beings, yea, maybe like what you said ' no brains ', but this can be genetic and environmental factors too. If all of us fail, it only means one thing, you fail as a teacher! I always thought teachers are supposed to make us learn something, gain knowledge, but she is the only one who is always pulling us down, making us lose all our confidence.
I don't care about reason behind, i never have a good impression for her, and never will.
I have never hate a person so much for the past 17 years, so much so that i don't even want to talk to her nor look at her. Hearing her voice is already a suffer. I can't wait to leave this place.
Friday, November 11, 2011 || 2:03 PM
I have so much wishes yet to be fulfilled.
Best of luck, health and wealth to my family and friends; To be able to meet TVXQ, Beast and Infinite at a very close distance - a fangirl's dream; Do well in A-Levels, especially Biology despite how much i hate it; Trip to Korea again; Giving out pepero to Potassium. Missed it, potassium did not appear today; TVXQ and Infinite's concert; More money & shopping; Going after sheep in Switzerland, looking for kangaroo with junhyung oppa, many more places to travel.
And the good news is, no more MORAL STUDIES, for the exam is over! Weeeee~ I remembered staying back with mun ling, zi qian and caris at the library memorizing our essay while chit-chatting three hours before the exam. The food that we bought were literally tempting us to eat in the library, but we can't. After entering the exam hall, we poured out all those that we had memorized. My hand was getting really tired as i was forcing myself to write faster and faster. And all of us went out of the hall about one hour later. The paper was set to be 2 hours. Can't believe i managed to finish the paper in such a short time. I stayed back for dinner with them at chalk & cheese to avoid the jam. Just when mun ling and i were walking back to the residence, Adrian spotted us wearing the same design of shirt. How observant he is, we didn't even notice it even though we were together for the whole day lol
The incident happened yesterday morning when i was in the bus. There was only one seat left and in front of me was a guy. I prayed hard that he will not sit down but he did! Why didn't he show some gentleman act or at least have a sense of pityness for a girl? Well actually i don't mind standing and honestly, i will never because i have had so many standing experiences in the bus.
BUT, t-h-e e-m-p-t-y s-e-a-t w-a-s r-i-g-h-t b-e-s-i-d-e o-f m-r-k! WHYYY. Sob forever. If only i walked faster.
Sunday, November 6, 2011 || 4:25 PM
Finished watching the finale of He Who Can't Marry at 2.30am last night. Have been a while since i stay up late for dramas like this. Read a bit of moral in the morning yesterday and finally completed the two essays for test! After that, i slacked for the whole afternoon, watched 2 episodes of Poseidon and 5 episodes of Jiu. So productive! Keke. Currently watching a Japanese drama, Jiu because it is L's debut drama. The character somehow suits him well since both of them are mysterious, except for the blond hair, i still think he looks better in black.
Watched a new Korean drama a while ago. Man of Honor, Park Min Young's new drama after City Hunter. So apparently, this is what happen when there is no Biology test next week. Teehee! I'll be spending an hour a day watching dramas from now! And that shall helps in lighting up my long-boring study life.
25th November please arrive soon!
Hottest all the way~! kya~
Last day of October
Tuesday, November 1, 2011 || 3:45 PM
We sat for biology mock exam yesterday, which made all of us almost half dead after finishing the paper. It was tough, too many questions, too little time, plus her voice from the next door that penetrated into our classroom, which causes so much of a distraction. I flunk the paper again this time!
Having such a stressful paper done, the whole class decided for a day out in Mid Valley. One good thing of us all staying at the residence, we can always go to somewhere together even though it was a decision made last minute. And fortunate enough, math class after Biology test was canceled! So, Jen and I went to the Halloween party since we had bought the coupons. Bought some foods and drinks, and also made ourselves a batch for RM4, special own made batch. Around 4pm, I drove mun ling, jen and three malay girls to Mid Valley while the rest of them went by cab. Had a karaoke session at The Gardens Red Box, along with zi qian's birthday celebration. Great moment being spent with them since this was my first time hanging out with the pharmacy people. Each of us were given a solo moment too. We brought in the cake in the middle of the karaoke and played the birthday song. Feel disappointed because i couldn't join them for dinner at a korean restaurant. It was already 8pm, time to return home. Thanks to my dad who came all the way to lead me back home, i'll NEVER drive to unfamiliar places again! I finished the cotton candy in my car while waiting for daddy. Reached home after two hours and was extremely exhausted. But still, we enjoyed our day to the max, finally have some fun time without worrying about studies! ^^

Like a boss! lol