“life's about taking chances”
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Buddies forever!
Wednesday, October 26, 2011 || 9:47 PM
A day out with yen and jing to First Subang and Subang Parade.
First off, we had a sushi meal at a new sushi restaurant in First Subang. We then walked all the way to Subang Parade for food again. Food hunting! We walked around for quite some time before heading to Dave's Deli. Gave it a try since it was suggested by Jing and she seems to love this place so much. Ordered roasted chicken along with yen's fish & chips and jing's some-kind-of-cheese-pie. It was indeed mouthwatering and delicious! Had a great time chit-chatting while having our dinner. I wish that moment could be paused. We left without realizing how much time we had spent there. No one cares about the time. And each of us bought bubble tea at Chatime despite how full we are. Took some pictures and played on the iPhone, Talking Tom and Where's My Water. Enjoyed to the max!
Happy moment flies especially fast. I drove back in rain.

Just couldn't describe how good i feel after having to meet them. I love my friends <3
Expected more on a Monday
Tuesday, October 25, 2011 || 11:41 PM
Such an unproductive day before a day break. Class ended at 2pm and I promised to kill the cockroach that had been bothering jen for the whole night in our room. Three of us went into the room with rolled newspaper ready in our hands, except for a cloth around our forehead that shows more of a will to kill. We searched up and down for it, underneath the desk, bed, behind the cupboard, inside the toilet, but the cockroach was no where to be seen. Not giving up, jen still checked around her desk because the last time she saw it was under her desk before it disappeared. And a scream followed, she jumped onto the bed with terrified look, somehow I felt my hairs standing as well. She claimed that it is a huge one, so Mun ling and I leaned forward to take a peep. It was indeed huge and all of a sudden, both of us couldn't overcome our fear to kill that little creature. We were worried that it might fly or attack us before we get to attack it. We get hold of the broom, not knowing what to do and ended up calling kit hoo for help. He came into our room, hit right at the spot and it was killed just by two hits. We just couldn't believe our eyes, it was so easy for him so what's wrong with us not daring enough just now lol. Anyway, thanks to him who came all the way up, we can have a good nap next time without much worries!
Reached home at 3.30pm. Watched he who can't marry. Never knew it is shown on weekdays. I was watching it one Saturday night out of boredom and find it somewhat funny and I got addicted soon after, part of it is because of yoo ah in! After that, I napped for two hours, a long rest after driving and studying day in day out. Planned to finish my math homework after dinner but laptop seemed to be more attractive. Urgh, iPhone and laptop had always been my biggest distraction, this including Kpop too. Watched Poseidon at 9pm sharp, something I will never miss on Monday and Tuesday. Poseidon, why you so awesome? Yunho appeared in the first two episodes and now he's gone lol. I find siwon so much more attractive than before, even my dad commented on his handsome face. Undeniably he can act, better than yunho I suppose. Not a bias thing, you know yunho's place is always well-secured in my heart lol.
I'm finally done with chemistry and physics test. Two down, two more to go. And the worst paper to be worried of is none other than my least favourite subject biology. Anyway, happy deepavali and happy holiday! Looking forward to seeing my buddies tomorrow! n___n
Friday, October 14, 2011 || 7:39 PM
Another day at PAWS to add more activities for our moral project. Frankly, Paws is so much better than SPCA. We received better treatment, clear activities to be done along with clear instruction. No more cleaning cages and washing dogs' plates. That's the point.
I reached home in the morning enjoying a Friday like this, but got disrupted in the middle of facebooking. Mun Ling called up and i picked her at the guard house. We headed to PAWS which is located near Subang Airport. As a two-month driver, i have no idea where was i going. So we followed the signboards blindly and also had a few phone calls with mum and chee peng before we finally found that place. The outlook of the centre is nothing different from SPCA, the smell, still the same old smell, smells of dogs. But the different part was, no dogs coming after us as soon as we enter. Thank god.
Our first task was to comb cats' fur and it was seemingly easy. Queen of cat conquers all lol. We squat down, rubbing their bodies of fur, some seemed to be enjoying, some licked our toes, gently squeeze pass our legs. And we saw a Garfield, okay, it is a cat with orange furs and unclear strips on it, but not as big size as one.
We left the cats' area and fed the dogs. The dogs were not allowed to come out of their cages, so we weren't directly in contact with them, which is so much easier a task. The only thing we did was open the cage, put in the food and that's it, left them shut behind the door. Poor thing. We even brought two dogs out for a walk and one of it didn't want to return. I used the slightest force to pull it back, it just doesn't want to move. I can see from his eyes, that teary eyes that tells he will forever be kept inside for as long as someone adopts him, he wouldn't wanna go back in again. I just love touching him, never runs away nor bark, just silence between us. Reminded me of my own dog.
We left PAWS at 3pm after two hours of chores, and went to 7-eleven to get ourselves a drink. With each gulp, we feel refresh and satisfied with our job done. Disappoint no more. Hopefully we get it right this time! Anyway, thumbs up for the three of us. Well done!
We were lost on the way back. Fortunate enough that mun ling was with me, if not i can imagine myself searching my way back in tears. Laughed so much watching videos we recorded a while ago while waiting for my brother at school. I know it is bad to laugh on chee peng for being attacked by dogs but it was part of the fun. Found myself enjoying my day today despite what i have gone through this week. Bogoshipta! Fate just doesn't tie us together, time to forget. It will only remain as part of my memory in help, something that once keep me going through everything in college. What will i be on the next semester without the will of staying. Better cut this off now. Huhgak's Hello really suits my mood this week :')
Mock test is around the corner. Hwaiting hwaiting hwaiting!
Saturday, October 8, 2011 || 5:05 PM
Recently I have a new bias from infinite. To be honest, I have always like infinite's songs since before the dawn was released a year ago. With the release of Paradise just a while ago, I have this total craze over them, especially for Kim Myungsoo, L. I showed Mun Ling one of his photo, it was so alike that he looks exactly just like him who is currently in Switzerland. She immediately asked if L is my bias, obviously she can tell. And much to my surprise, they are both borned in the same month! And both can play guitar! <3 Last Sunday, I even went onto YouTube to search for all infinite-related videos that could be found. Infinite is a talented group, with extreme vocal, powerful dance and more and more aegyoness that no one can resist. Now that I can remember all their names, I am turning into an Inspirit for sure and for once, I wanna see them in person so badly.
Friday, October 7, 2011 || 7:55 PM
Physics class is always the most boring lesson, except for practical on Wednesday because we get to leave class early. So Jen Yeen played with my iphone and came out with this:

Well, come to think about it, Mun Ling and I do look alike. Teehee!
And on the same day itself, she took my phone again during math class. I offered her to on facebook if she wants. She signed in her account but it turned out to be mine. I seriously have no idea about it. She gave me that creepy smile and i knew what she was going to do next. She posted a status on my wall using my own account and also uploaded this weird photo along with "I will go to jail for this". It was actually from me, she stole it. But thank god, the second post was on her wall, god is fair, my phone just know when is the right time to do the right thing. I think both of us were the only one who weren't paying attention and laughing away right in front of teacher. I nearly couldn't breathe after laughing so much while she was trying to remove it from her wall, it got stuck half way. LOL. Jinjak paboya, her favourite korean phrase.

And this girl also READ MY DM!!! First was my notes and now my DM. It was meant for myself. Felt so embarrassed when she laughed while reading them. I just couldn't snatch it back! Well, fine, she already knew everything so it makes no harm to me.
It is one lucky week. I saw him three times in a week. And he wore black every time i see him. He was sitting right at the corner when we entered subway this morning. Right timing. I grabbed Mun Ling on her hand and assisted her to look at the back. Great. I am so gonna follow Mun Ling wherever she goes from now!
|| 7:04 PM
I smell of dogs and is pretty exhausted returning home at 4pm today. 8 of us went to SPCA after class to complete our last moral project. It is actually a place that keeps stray dogs and cats for adoption purpose.
The first thing that we were exposed to was the smell of cats and dogs, a smell that kept us a distance away. Just when we entered the centre, a dog ran out from the room and approached us with a warm welcome jump on me. It was a stunning approach. I couldn't react fast at the moment, just stood still and stayed calm because my friend was literally pulling me and screamed. The dog then left us alone. And the lady in the office scolded us for screaming and claimed that the dogs are even more afraid of us. So we split the job, those who can handle the dogs, off to the doggie world and those who can't, take care of the cats. It wasn't any easy task, the moment we walked in, a few dogs came and started sniffing on us, barking and jumping happily. Yea, we didn't seem as delight as them, all because we were strangers to them.
Mun Ling and I went to change the newspaper in the dogs' cage while Shi Yi, Chee Peng and Mei Yen were in charge of the dish washing. Our cameragirl, Enn Yi was recording on every action of us. We opened the cage one by one in order to change the newspaper, but some of the dogs were just too aggressive that it came jumping on us and the next second it went away and played with the other dogs. Both of us were simply getting used to it. We had a hard time tempting the dogs back into their cages. Everytime when we failed to do so, Mun Ling will just dragged the dogs on their legs. It was so hilarious. The dogs seemed to be scared of human, probably because they were once being bullied on the street that it became a phobia for them now.
Well, i did enjoyed part of the work and when everything was done, all of us left with a sigh of relief. We catch a bus to KLCC, ride LRT to Bangsar and finally Rapid KL back to our residence. Everyone did a great job but i believe none of us will ever return to that place again. We have gained so much that we think visiting an orphanage would be so much better. Good luck to those who are visiting SPCA next time!