“life's about taking chances”
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Saturday, July 30, 2011 || 2:35 PM

Watched 49 days a month ago, before i entered college. I rated this drama same as Secret Garden, because ever since i finished Secret Garden, i have always wanted to watch a drama with a different yet fresh story-line.
49 days is a worth watching drama! I don't know with City Hunter, i'm gonna watch that real soon. I like the main actor in 49 days and Jung ilwoo, he is the reason I watch this drama. And also, thanks to Ai Lin's suggestion, i really enjoyed watching.
Holidays are coming in two weeks time. Let's see what i can watch then, Miss Ripley and City Hunter. I copied some Hong Kong series from my uncle yesterday and the other day, I got 5 movies from Jen Yeen. Loads of movies and drama for my August holiday! Anticipating~!
Wednesday, July 27, 2011 || 10:31 PM
Went on a short trip to KL by rapid KL and LRT this afternoon. Eight of them were actually going for their assignments but i followed them to have fun, and it proves me right! First of all, being a citizen of KL, I felt embarrassed that i don't even know how to ride a bus. But having them right by my side, there's nothing to be worried of. We had dinner at Jalan Alor, window shopped at Lot 10 and Fahrenheit until 7pm, we took the lrt back to help residence. It was indeed a fun moment. Reached our residence at around 9pm and was totally exhausted. It was Mun Ling's birthday. Jen Yeen and I hurriedly finished up our decoration stuff and walked like a mice to her door. We put on the deco silently and followed our Plan A. Jen Yeen waited at the exit on our floor, which is nearer compared to our room. I was given the opportunity to fulfill the task because she thinks i look like an athlete. So, i walked to Mun Ling's door, knocked so hard and dashed back to the exit, where we were supposed to hide from her. I wasn't wearing slippers, to avoid tripping when i run and also the noise. There was no sight of Mun Ling. So i went to her door again and did exactly what i did before, but no one opens the door. Both of us were laughing on our silly act, basically she was laughing at me! We sure looked like a jakun. Later, we went back into our room to wait for her news. Just when we were unprepared, Mun Ling appeared in front of our room. She just came up from 17th floor. We looked at her from the back, and when she arrived at her door, she moved backwards, as if she went to the wrong door. We gave a high five to each other. Our plan was a success after all. Shut our door, thinking that she might come to us with her thankful face. Anticipating much, no one knocks on our door. So, we peeped along the corridor again, she was still there, spotted us, screamed WHAT THE HECK, and came running to us. It was epic!

Sunday, July 24, 2011 || 1:00 PM
I watched three movies this week, first was Mouse Hunt on Wednesday night in Help Residence Level One with Jen Yeen and a few others jpa scholars. We brought along some tip bits. The movie was hilarious and we slept early that night. Second movie was Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallow Part Two, with my brother, Yen Chee and Jia Yee. Finally, the movie i started watching since i was small ended in a good way, happy ending. I feel that it would be better if they make it longer, because according to everyone who read all the seven books, the storyline of the movie differs from the original text. Anyway, i think i may have to rewatch all the seven movies to gain a better understanding. Lastly, I stayed up late to watch Wes Craven's New Nightmare last night. ALONE. I was scared to the max and immediately crawled back into my bed just when it ended.
I'm craving for more movies~! XD
Monday, July 18, 2011 || 10:02 AM
Feels so good return home on Friday morning. I'm alive once again!
Never study even a single page these few days. Home is a place for me to slack around, don't feel like studying back at home.
It was quite a productive day yesterday! Early at 10am, zhe kai fetched me and kar yin to seafield's carnival day. We walked around under the burning hot sun for one and a half hour. Oh, and i met two ex-classmates from PM15 over there, chuan wei and stephanie ling. After talking to stephanie, i really have the urge to follow what she said, but i know it's TOO late. No more wrong decision from now.
We didn't enter yen chee's love tunnel and left around 12pm. Our dear friend drove us to Jojo Panmee at SS15 for lunch. Yeah, my world still belongs to there! Okay, now, even zhe kai knows my secret, i just hope he doesn't tell anyone. After lunch, we walked over to Snowflakes for dessert. Craving~! Had a great time with the both of them. And to LIM YEN CHEE, if you are reading this, make sure you are there with us the next time we hang out! xD

Best seller & Taroball series

I just realized all three of us wear Nike
Cool NIKE gang~!
|| 8:58 AM
It's been a long week staying at the hostel. Waking up at 6.30am, go off at 7.30am and took a ride on bus to college everyday. The same schedule for the whole week. It's good in a way that we get to exercise by walking to college and helps to build up stamina. Sometimes when our break is between 11.45 to 12.15, we get some bread from rotiman, right beside our campus. While on the two hours break, we go to the food courts right at the bottom of those buildings. There's not much choices around our campus compared to taylors, where you can simply go to a restaurant when you just step out from college. Food's everywhere back then. As for dinner, we went back to the main block where there's more choices of foods around. And there's this malay stall who sell food way cheaper than the others, but it takes them hours to cook just for the seven of us. Feeling grumpy, we still went there twice. The other day, Jen and I bought ramli burger for supper.
Bad luck fell on me on the second day. I broke a beaker and a glass rod while doing a heating experiment. I seriously hate it. My very first time breaking apparatus in the lab and somehow, it affected my mood for the whole day.
The rest of the days were simply like normal school days, study study and study. I wish there's some jokes in between. We used to laugh at our math teacher because his way of speaking really triggered our laughter every lesson. And having a bunch of funny and nice classmates makes me feel safe and excited for every coming days. Gahh, i should stop myself.
Thursday night. All jpa students gathered at the help residence for a meeting about departments and organizing events. After the meeting, we stayed there gossiping until 10.30pm. Had a good laugh after a long time.
I shall share some pictures taken these few days :)

First biology practical:
MY cheek cells

Plant cells

In Biology lab

My messy desk

Snapped by Jen in class

Jeng jeng jeng~ Our lovely room!
<<< MINE /// Jen's territory >>>

Night view from our room

Me and Jen~!
Can HELP helps?
Saturday, July 9, 2011 || 12:48 AM
First week of new college life at HELP university college wasn't that bad after all. The first two days of orientation was basically about subject and courses briefing. There's around 30 to 40 jpa scholars sent to help and the two courses chosen were law and pharmacy. On the first day itself, they gave a briefing session specially for us jpa scholars. We were told that jpa scholars are put in the same class and not going to mix with the others because their reason was to maintain our standard and compete between each other. Oh great, now i have to compete with a bunch of smarties. How many brain do i have to own then to be qualified as a good competitor? This is not a life i dream of. Anyway, there's only 16 people taking pharmacy and all girls. For the first time in my school year, there's no guy in class. But good news is we are merging with the law class during chemistry lesson, with only a few boys.
We started our first class on wednesday. Break time is a minimum two hours a day, that's something taylors can't compete. Class ended at 2pm on wednesday, law reps, hazel and kit ho brought us to the food court for lunch and later a walking tour around the campus all the way back to help residence. It's cool to have them as our jpa rep as well. Not to forget, our awesome pharmacy reps, chee peng and mun ling who help us a lot too.
And i found my roommate, Jen Yeen, also an ex-taylorian. We went back to our room yesterday because there's three more hours left before the last class. She had to finish up her homework while i was enjoying the free wifi service in the room. But i was then forced by her to take a nap as i was sick. She stuffed her pillow to me and allow me to use it. So i set the alarm and took a short nap. When i woke up, it's one and a half more hours to go. I climbed onto her bed and we started to talk about school life and exchanged a little secrets. I believe we have a lot more time for a talk like that after moving in.
Friday is gonna be the best day of the week cause class ends at 10am. Jen yeen, me and both our mums had a hard time cleaning our room, wiped the windows, mopped the ceiling, floor, cupboard and wash the toilet today. Around two hours later, we were finally done with the cleaning. Mun ling followed me back, but i went to taylors to collect my result slip on the way home. I was walking towards the guard house when suddenly i heard my name, it was so loud as if someone is using a speaker, so i turned around, and to my surprise, i saw two fella standing at the opposite road. Karyn and sook sian waved so hard at me, i was so excited. I also saw priyanka, ash and hui ling. It was so great to see them again after one month!
Till then, i miss PM15 every single day. My current class is nothing like PM15. There's no teacher like mr.tan, so nice, so funny and sexy. No one like karyn and sook sian, able to go insane and crazy on any kpop related stuff. No one like celeste, making those weird faces in front of me. No one like stephanie and karyn, smart and yet VERY helpful. No one like chuan wei papa, superb in everything. No one like the four of them whom i can share my feelings. Simply just because they are irreplaceable :/
B2ST First Fanmeeting
Saturday, July 2, 2011 || 12:55 AM
Stayed outside for the whole day today.
I went to HELP University College this morning for registration, lunch, and dad dropped me at karyin's house around 1.30pm. We spent time tweeting, chatting, watching tv and checking b2st's details until 4.30pm before we headed to sunway pyramid. We had a walk at pyramid first, bought three rain coats at Daiso, went into several shops to get them some gifts but unfortunately we found nothing attractive or special, so we walked out to the main entrance of lagoon. It was crowded with fans but we managed to get into the queue which was quite short. The weather is so hot that we were all sweating under the burning hot sun. We get ourselves a b2st's photo fan to keep us cool. Around 7.20pm, we were allowed to go in, walked all the way to the surf beach and found a good standing spot. Just nice, right at the centre, perhaps the only problem was tall fans blocking our view.
But that doesn't matter at all, B2ST finally came onto the stage with their first song, SPECIAL, followed by a list of our favourite songs, soom, shock, on a rainy day, beautiful, fiction, i like you the best and very important you. Hyunseung was wearing a golden flashy specs at first, then he changed into a cool blacky specs after a few songs. During the interview session, every members were given a chance to greet us by using malay language, starting with dongwoon. Everyone begins with 'nama saya' unlike yoseob: nama saya yoseob imnida dari beast. He was teased by the emcee that he's using a mixture of korean and malay. Bad emcee also teased dongwoon, when the emcee was asking us something in malay, dongwoon answered something, then the emcee said 'as if you know what i'm saying'. LOL! Then dongwoon said 'okay okay'. Kyeopta!
When yoseob was asked which cartoon hero would he like to be, he chose ironman and his reason was he would like to fly to malaysia everyday. Aww. That's so sweet~
The next question was what else do you know in malay. Dongwoon answered 'durian' immediately, followed by doojoon with 'satay' and yoseob with 'laksaaaaaa'.
Emcee: Why you all say everything about food? Hahaha. What else?
Dongwoon: Terima kasih!
Emcee: Do you know how to say saranghaeyo in malay?
Yoseob: SAYA CINTA KAMU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Emcee: Okay, then can you guess what's selamat hari jadi?
They have no ideas at all, so fans shouted 'doojoon doojoon doojoon doojoon doojoon~' and they goes owhhhh~ They prepared a birthday cake for him and all of us sang him a birthday song in both malay and korean versions. One of the member said he will buy him a soccer ball as present. Doojoon was asked if he wished to receive any present and he said 'fly to malaysia everyday'. That's how lovely he is :)
Six lucky fans were picked to pair up with the members. While looking for their partners, dongwoon called out 'put your hands up', so we immediately thought of 2pm's hands up and all of us started to put our hands up. Then, the emcee corrected dongwoon that he shouldn't say that because everyone will put their hands up. Kekeke. Yoseob's partner was the only malay girl. He looks excited and grabbed her cardboard. Suddenly, yoseob screamed 'joker? jo.... joker' while looking at the cardboard. It was hilarious, the girl was a fan of Junhyung and yoseob suddenly feels sad with his unhappy look shown right away. But the active yoseob was not gonna be like this forever, isn't he? Fast recovery. Doojoon is forever so damn awesome and such a gentleman! When his partner was sitting down, he placed a small towel over her legs as she was wearing a dress. I see this is why he is known as idol boyfriend. They played a bowling match on the stage and a mission was given before they started each match. Junhyung and the fans made a heart shape with their hands and scored 70. Hyunseung and his partners were blindfolded, scored about 50 if i'm not mistaken. Kikwang scored 20. Dongwoon and his partner danced fiction, scored 80. Doojoon and his partner were asked to turn around for 5 times, they only scored 10 because doojoon threw the ball out of the box. And lastly, yoseob and his partner scored 70. They were described as lovers and every minute we could see yoseob hugging the girl and she cheered for him in return. This is so unfair. How could she be so lucky? And so, the winner was dongwoon's pair and she was given an air purifier while the other five got a cellphone each.
They gave a lot of fanservices during their performance, especially yoseob with his flying kiss, hyunseung with his sexy dance, dongwoon was superactive as well, only junhyung, as usual, the quiet plus not-so-active type. I thought we could have a high touch with them. I've initially planned to tell doojoon 'uri same birthday' since we are sharing the same birthday, hoping that he would wish me back. Also, to wish junhyung 'haengbok kaseyo' although i wanted to say 'saranghaeyo', i think he will love to listen it more. Mission failed anyway.

B2ST light sticks

Celebrating Doojoon's birthday

Birthday boy, Yoon leader :)

Birthday cake

Thanks to Kar Yin who grabbed this for me! Balloon~

Although this is not a full length concert but a fanmeeting, i still enjoyed very much throughout the one and a half hour. Beast just made me goes crazy and forget about everything. I returned home with an exhausted, sweaty body, feeling thirsty and tired, but HAPPY and VERY SATISFIED. I also proved the strength of love once again! I had my lunch around 1pm, skipped dinner, we were too excited to feel hungry, not even the thought of hunger. We were filled with beast all over and were so obsessed. We almost screamed our lungs out. I just love to sing along with beast and all the fans while waving the light sticks this time.
Thank you Kar Yin and Jia Yee!
B2ST just melted my heart!
I love my day ^^