I felt a bit disappointed over Big Bang's new songs after listening for the first time. Perhaps my expectation was a bit too high. I was expecting more than this. Something fresh, something different and something which resembles them is what i look forward to. To be honest, out of the five songs, Tonight is the only one i like. Besides, Somebody To Love was already out in the market last year.
But things don't seem to be the same all the time.
Started liking Big Bang's new album after watching The Big Bang Show. It is really a BIG show for them, and SBS had definitely made the right choice, unlike KBS. I can see many supportive VIPs on the screen. I wish they will bring this fantastic show to the stage in Malaysia.
Secret Garden Parody. It's HILARIOUS, especially when Joo Won (TOP) kissed Oscar (Seungri). AHHH!!!! OMGGGGG!!!! How can they be so cute and funny at the same time! Glad that i've watched Secret Garden and could actually understand some of the part without English subtitle at all. LMAO. What's with the ending? They turned the ending in an opposite way. lol~
For all this time, Big Bang has been my top 5 bias. GD is not just the leader and rapper of the group, but the attention of ALL.
Beast can't be the second Big Bang, i strongly oppose the saying that they will be. They are totally two different kinds. Beast will be as famous as them, known for their own name, and stand proudly as BEAST. Prove that you are not a recycled group and not the second BB. Because you are the only one, the almighty BEAST!
The three microphones on the table are enough to tell where had i been last night.
We went to the nearest Neway for a singing night. No offence, but there isn't much choices for the food, yet they charged us so freaking expensive. I only went out to get something for my dinner not more than three rounds. Spent rest of the time selecting songs.
One thing i'm not really satisfied with is the songs update. Okay, there's a lot of new chinese pop songs, but lack of KPOP songs update. That's one BIG problem, definitely not for the others. I only found Bad Girl for Beast, which is so out-of-date, far left behind from Beautiful, and even Shock is no where to be seen.
I would probably reconsider going there next time.
Glad that there's Sorry That I Loved You by Anthony Neely. Awesome one! :)
ps// Am finally done with amali, the boring 6 hours talk.
I can't believe Dream High is coming to an end soon, so soon, probably next week and another addiction would be gone for me T.T
I finished off episode 14 and 15 this morning and i kinda regret now. I should have watch the last three episodes in one shot. It is really hard to wait for the next episode.
Self-struggling now. I want to watch the last episode badly, hopefully it will be released immediately, but i don't want it to end this fast :(
Someone tell me who will Hyemi choose this time. I would seriously hope she chooses Jinguk back then, but now, i somehow hope Samdong is the one for her. Samdong ah~
Lunch: Spaghetti with sausages, meat balls and cheeseeeeeeeeee!
Just came back from a boutique with mom and aunt Agnes. Don't be frighten, cause we went for a belated CNY shopping :) I know it is kind of unusual to buy clothes right after CNY. We had been hunting for clothes these two days, specially for my cousin sister's wedding night. So that explains it all.
My cousin sister is just one year older than me. It was actually shocking when we came to know that she's getting married at this early age. No comment, but blessings is all they need.
Too many sad cases are happening in the Korean entertainment industry, and i think someone should fix it. Kara is facing disbandment problem, and it was revealed recently that UKiss's Alexander and Kim Kibum are withdrawing from their group for personal reason. I sure wish no more upcoming news like this, especially from SM, cause i wouldn't want any of my favourite groups to face such a problem one day, neither can i take it.
Watched Oh My School. This is the reason i turn the tv on every Tuesday evening. Today's episode is about Patience. To be an artist or a top star, this quality is certainly required. They have to face anything that is thrown to them, without showing off their anger. They too, have a limit of laughing, as for what Tony An demonstrated, any of their funny picture will surfaced on the net the next minute. That is why they are so concern of their looks and the way they deliver a speech cause it is a good thing to avoid chaos and negative comments, unless they are trying to be the centre of the spotlight.
Well, Yoseob is no longer in the show. He was being really cute before that, being teased by Myeongsu that he has a tiny head shape, that he shouldn't sit between Seokhun and Simon D. All this makes him look more like the maknae of the group.
Still, this show is always worth to watch with the presence of Hongki (my JEREMY OPPA), Simon D and Min. Ah, i left someone out, Gyeongjin, if i'm not mistaken, he seems to come from mars, lol, just kidding, no offence. He claimed that he couldn't make a cute pose, but he did made me laugh real hard with the ostrich and snail. It is okay if you don't get it.
The Goddess from Kara appear on the show today. Okay, i'll just skip this. She still looks gorgeous even when she is on the painted SunWuKong face. The flawless goddess! and Miss Korea is still the beautiful ballerina, in Tony's heart i suppose :)
Everyone is using the application provided in facebook lately to find out who among their friends whom they trusted. Of course, i tried that out too and the result i received was kinda tally with my thoughts, but some were not really accurate, cause no one, including facebook can read my mind. So, the conclusion i made is, that application is so not reliable. It only put on counts for those who commented or view our profile, that's all. Talking about trustworthy, honestly, i tend to believe in people around me easily, to a level that even though i was hurt, still, i trusted that person. But now, specifically after year 2010, i find that people can be horrible at times, you wouldn't know what they think and wouldn't even want to know about it.
To all the amendments made, I find my friends to be truly trustworthy, and a big portion of them basically come from a different class of mine. How UNBELIEVABLE, in other word, BLESSED!
You know i don't listen to Japanese songs, but this, somehow tells how i feel right now :)
I have finally enrolled for SAM in Taylor's College, after struggling for a long time. The amount was A LOT, seriously, even if i score straight A+ for all the ten subjects in SPM, i could only have a scholarship of RM10000, which couldn't cover all. And that was IF, if i get 10A, RM1000 would be mine. If only JPA is kind to me. Jing was there with me. I chose all three sciences, psychology and mathematics. I have always wanted to drop physics and being the happy me, i thought that i could do so. Reality is gonna be slightly different from my dream. No more regrets for now, i still can change it later on, i guess, if i seriously hate that subject.
Orientation day is on the 28th of March, the first day of college. It is about a month from now :/
Had a satisfied shopping after that. I bought a novel The Last Song by Nicholas Sparks to keep my time occupied, hopefully i'll finish it this time. A new jacket and a pink shoe too! The shoe that i wanted to have it before CNY and finally i get to own the last pair :)
The rhythm of this song is seriously catchy, i like the part Soya sings. Kept playing it lately. This was recommended by Jia Yee a few weeks ago, and hey, i found a crazy kpopper just like me :) After the kpop live party, there isn't a day we don't message each other. That explained why my phone was barred for a few times :P
anyway, enjoy the following songs too! There is more to come~
I'm starting to like Stay just like what Kok An told me the other day. Yea. Stay is more catchy, unlike Cry which belongs to a sad side. But i still prefer Cry than Stay no matter how many times i have listened, just my personal opinion that's all.
Kiseung parodied Secret Garden famous scene, the SIT-UP scene! Nice one! Perhaps i would like it more if it was done by Junseob :)
They also released I Like You The Best's MV during Welcome Back To Beast Airline Concert. Remember the last scene of Beautiful? It was stated 'To be continued', and yes, they really keep their promise. The story of a triangle love between Junhyung, Kikwang and Naeun. She chose Kikwang and dumped Junhyung at last, is that what the MV is trying to deliver? I couldn't really get it though.
One thing, i was really excited for the first time watching it, probably crazyness overwhelmed excitement, cause the first scene was the girl kissing Junhyung's cheek! She's definitely LUCKY! Junhyung became violent, which led him to punch Kikwang. I know that beauties are much considerate and will keep loving the boys no matter what happen. Just hope this wouldn't create any antis towards Junhyung.
Currently listening to Dalmatian's new song, and i actually like it :)
Love Beast, to bits!
hey, it rhymes.
okay, how about this
Since Bad Girl was released, my love for them increased, then more music videos were unleashed, I know my love for the boys will never decrease, even if i'm living in the Mideast, through their songs it makes me peace, and knowing that they always exist, I'll definitely be there for Beast!
I have been watching Dream High alongside with Secret Garden during the holiday. Now thati'm done with Secret Garden for quite some time and with Dream High coming to an end soon, i'm watching My Princess lately. This is the third korean drama i have been watching in the beginning of the year. Oh, and I have to find some time to watch Paradise Ranch too, max can't wait this long. I came acrossAll My Love occasionally, so since our Yoon leader is acting in it, i might as well watch it. PPS is definitely the right choice! :)
Time to enjoy the day i have been dreaming since a zillion years ago.
Dad drove us to Genting Highland in the afternoon yesterday for a one day trip.
Yen, my youngest brother, my maid and I, which made the perfect four went to the outdoor theme park once we arrived. Our first destination was the toilet (cut the crap) We went all the way down to look for toilet before we rode on the pirate ship. The topmost seat were full, so we filled up the rest of the seats at the bottom. It was simply fun and exciting. Everyone screamed their lungs out, especially the kids who sat behind us, somehow he sounds like a monkey, an active little monkey.
We headed back to the entrance, and started the rides from the swing, merry-go-round, spinning cup, jumbo the elephant, cyclone, boat riding and flying dragon. Talking about boat riding, it was the second time i rode a boat. Paddling with our legs is pretty tiresome. Yen and I got into one boat and were trying to paddle to the bridge but since we were spinning at the same area all the time, we decided to paddle back to the exit. Another thrilling ride was the cyclone, which is also the second time i'm riding it, probably the first time for Yen.
Seriously, it was the least amount of people i have seen in Genting yesterday. We get to ride everything just within a couple of minutes. Those which are always crowded with people had a really short queue. I have no idea why as i thought weekends are supposed to be crowded.
We left the theme park at 6.30pm for dinner. It was a buffet dinner that night.
and we spent an hour in the cyber cafe playing SDO after dinner.
We have nothing else to do and started wandering around the place. We went out in the chilling night and found that it was pretty cold outside. We can feel the air when we speak.
It was one and a half hour of waiting before we get to finally go home.
ps// Big Bang, 2ne1, Jang Geun Suk and UKiss are coming to Malaysia this year! pss// Please bring Beast Airline to Malaysia!
The only thing i'm glad of Friday is being able to watch Music Bank. I'm waiting for Dalmatian to come back with a WOW this evening.
and Good news. I heard that Cube Entertainment will be bringing Beast Airline to Malaysia, which is definitely a GREAT news to all the beauties here! It means that i have a new mission to accomplish right now: saving up money & get closer to Beast! But not to be too excited first cause i have not seen an official statement about it yet.
Oh well, I'll post on the Genting trip we are having tomorrow very soon.
It is another exhausting day today. I was forced to wake up at 8 in the morning to get myself ready before heading to SABS. It was considered early as i did not get enough of sleep. My dad invited his friends over to our house last night. We played two-people mahjong and sang the karaoke til 1am midnight. I went to bed about 1.30am and that made me sleepy this morning. I had volunteered to help for the day with my all-time chingu. We were quite used to this kind of charity work, by serving dishes on every tables and cleaned up when it ended. Satisfying yet enjoyable moment.
1. During elementary school, Yoseob’s parents were called to school when he exposed that his teacher was really wearing a wig.
ps// Playful!
2. A fan handed Yoseob a stack of papers. “Oppa! These are BEAST fanfics! Please read them!” Yoseob was all smiley as he read it. Doojoon wondered why he was so giddy and read it. After that, he didn’t say a word to Junhyung or Yoseob for a week. Because it was a Junseob fic.
3. A fan gave Doojoon a piece of bread to give to Yoseob. Doojoon: “Yoseob doesn’t eat bread.” *eats the bread.”
4. G-Dragon is one of Junhyung’s role models.
5. Junhyung usually cleans the living room without telling anyone. Then he blames the members for not helping him. Doojoon: We don’t know that you clean. After you clean, you nag. That’s how we know.
6. The members each have different colored toothbrushes. Junhyung likes to arrange them according to the rainbow.
ps// He can be quite a responsible but naggy 'houseman'
7. Doojoon says that Junhyung runs around the house and goes up to the members whispering while staring at them, “I’m the Joker.”
Back from CNY celebration in Klang and also Johor. The usual things we did every year, receiving angpao, eating, drinking, watching tv programs, chat and gambling. I realized i ate a lot of cookies and chips this new year, with one good thing, less oranges.
The two days spent in Klang before CNY were boring, honestly. I brought my laptop over, but there wasn't any internet connection, expected, so i played offline games instead. Plants VS Zombies. This game is kind of familiar to me as i have been hearing its name since sometimes before. I took up the challenge by my brothers and gave in a hand. It was far interesting than i thought and meanwhile, time filling. Fortunately, there was free wifi during the evening until late midnight ^^
Do you know that staring at this face can be time filling too?
Dad brought us out for a ride that night. Occasionally, we met Elizabeth Wong, a woman from parlimen.
& of course, supper time!
I ordered teh tarik and roti tisu at a mamak stall beside the road. Believe it or not, i had the same meal for supper for the two consecutive days. I'm loving roti tisu with SUGARS.
Firecrackers were heard everywhere almost every night. This is what we call the night atmosphere of CNY, with all this BOOM BOOM BOOM..
This year is also one of the special new year we had as we get to celebrate in Singapore. We went to the amazing Universal Studio. Somehow, i find it a place like disneyland, yet the games are little, even less than that in genting highland. I like the decorations within, it made me feel i'm living in a city-like street.
We were back from Johor on the fourth day of CNY.
Home sweet home~
ps// My new year wishlists : Mix-style headphone (Black Star), Pioneer SE-MJ2 headphone, Beats by Dr Dre headphone. I'm dying for these!
pss// I know i am not the first fan, but i promise to be the last! Happy Lunar New Year, HoMin oppas :)