“life's about taking chances”
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Surprise Party
Monday, April 13, 2009 || 8:21 PM
chee and the birthday girl
Alexa's birthday today!We gave her a surprise party at her house. A mini party. Zhe Kai was the one who planned for the whole thing. He ordered a chocolate cake and we brought to her house after tuition.
It wasn't really surprise because she knew a little about that. My mum sent me and yen chee there before she arrived. while zhe kai cycled. in the rain. Poor thing! Actually we wanted to give her a surprise but she arrived 2 minutes earlier than zhe kai. So, yen chee and i went into the kitchen and hid behind the back door. But she found us. Coz she saw our shoes in front. We forgot to take our shoes along! Haihz..... There goes the 'surprise'.
Alexa's sis was there too. She started the fun. She took out two cans and kept on sprayed on alexa. After that, we joined in too. We took some chocolate cream from the cake and wiped on her face. Then, we ran all around her house. In and out. Haha.... She looked totally like a mouse. All of us smells like
Labels: Life
Segi College ^^
Saturday, April 4, 2009 || 5:26 PM
Segi College was fun today!!! We did enjoyed it very very much.
The 1st activity was problem solving. ( How to communicate with new people by relating it to COMET ) etc. Later we went for the second game. We started from station 4-1-3-2. We were given only 10 minutes for each station.
Station 4 - Match stick. Move 2 stick to form 4 square.... It was quite challenging but we solved 3.
Station 1 - The facilitators gave us a question. Then, one of our member volunteered to demonstrate it out by using a plasticine. First, he made out a heart shape. He form a crying look on top of it. Some of us said sad heart. The facilitator told us that it was almost the answer but using the other word to represent that feeling. Ikhwan said depress heart and he was right. So, we move on to the next station.
Station 3 - There was a cup of water on the floor. Inside a shape of pentagon. We must pull out the cup without crossing the border and the water should not spilled out. We managed to think out of an idea but because the reason of unbalance, the water spilled out. So, we tried it again. and just when times up, they pulled out the cup.
Station 2 - We were in a dark room. We took down an envelope which was stick to the ceiling by biting it down. No contact with hands. Ikhwan did that. Then, we followed the instructions in the envelope and placed all the details into their group. We were supposed to find the owner of the pet fish. This game was not that interesting and we LOST! But i like my team. They were cooperative, nice and friendly. A combination of SMK USJ 12 and Bandar Sunway students.
After that, we returned to the hall. We grouped into 3 groups and played the last game. Imagine that we were crossing a river. We can't touch the ground. Travel with only 2 chairs in order to bring all team members to the river bank. Maximum 3 people each travel. If one of us touch the ground, we should restart again. The first few members went to the opposite smoothly. When it came to xue jing and ikhwan's turn, ikhwan lost his balance and going to fall. Xue jing grabbed him and hold him tight enough. 自古都是“英雄救美”. but today “美救英雄”. Wakakaka..... I was the 4th to move. Me and an indian girl. She grabbed my neck when she got nothing to hold on for balancing. It was pain.
A guy from the other team thought of an idea. There were many chairs around the hall. Other than the 2 chairs given, he placed as many chairs as possible to make a straight line till the end. He's smart. All of us copied that. One by one, they jumped on the chair and crossed the river. Well, before the game start, the facilitators said that there's no rules and regulation in this game other than touching the ground. That means we can also use other chairs to cross the river. We should think out of the box. That's what Ah Beng told us.
For the last 30 minutes, we sat in the hall. Guess what? The facilitators acted out any movie and show and we guessed it. They were quite pro in acting. Especially Marcus who act that he had a constipation. Haha!
Segi's canteen was also nice! We ate nasi lemak and teh tarik. Their nasi lemak was more delicious than our school canteen's. and i paid only 1 ringgit here.
It was raining heavily and our bus can't turn in for some reason. So, we ran all the way up to the bus.
Overall, it was great and fun! but we missed some games because we were short of time. Hope that we can join this activity again next year and extent more time. That's all for today. I shall end this post with some photo.
oops! Blurr....
pj, ah beng, yc
xj, sw
jin yew, pj (so shy)
Labels: Life
Friday, April 3, 2009 || 6:25 PM

Our white board was decorated by drawings today. It was the small square thingy who live under the sea. Yea.... Spongebob. by zhi wei, jie sheng, revanth, firdaus..... They were really fascinated by that cartoon. They drew everything that appears in that cartoon on the board. Miss Aliah, our est teacher didn't bother about them. Well, today is her last day in our school. I really like her teaching us est. although i failed that subject. Haihz.... Puan regina lee will take over our est class. Haihz....
Miss Aliah, we'll miss you very much!!!
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